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Braided Rivers 2021 Seminar Advances & Emerging Issues in Managing Braided Rivers

Braided Rivers 2021 Seminar Advances and Emerging Issues in Managing Braided Rivers

This event has now ended. See this page for all of the presentations.


Thanks to funding from:

This is a FREE event.  Morning & afternoon teas (with yummy cheeses from Karikaas) and lunch are included.


This seminar carries on from historic workshops held at Environment Canterbury to update managers and researchers on black-fronted tern research and management, and a TAG (Technical Advisory Group) workshop with a wider focus on braided river birds. A subsequent workshop, hosted by the Ashley Rakahuri Rivercare Group, resulted in the creation of BRaid in 2006. In the last few years, these events have grown in popularity, attracting a more diverse audience. However, the aim remains the same: to freely and openly share information and research and create a networking opportunity for those working to protect and restore these globally rare ecosystems and the endemic taonga species that inhabit them.

Past seminars and forums:

Links to PDFs of papers and presentations at those events:

 20202019 | 2017 | 2016 | 2014 | 2010

2021 Programme

  • Wednesday 14 July: Stewart Lecture Theatre, Lincoln University 8.30am -5.00pm (map below)
  • Thursday 15 July: 9am-midday (approximate end time). Following significant changes to the Ashley Rakahuri /Okuku Rivers due to the May 31/June 01 flood, we will be meeting at the carpark just south of Cones Rd. Bridge, Rangiora (map below) to carpool/convoy to locations along the river. As there is no catering, there is no need to book in advance.

Click on any names in blue for information on each speaker.

Topic: Habitats

Speaker Affiliation Topic
Sonny Whitelaw BRaid Introduction
Duncan Gray ECan Braided river ecosystems: physical habitat, ecological complexity and the management conundrum
Philip Grove ECan Land use change of braided river margins
David Owen  &               Matt Surmann  ECan Braided River Revival Whakahaumanu ngā awa ā pākahi and steering the river management ship
Adrian Meredith ECan Important features of the “wet” part of braided rivers – important habitats of fishes, invertebrates and algae
Jo Hoyle NIWA Effects of flood harvesting on fine sediment deposition in braided rivers
Grant Davey BRaid/ ARRG The plight of the foothills-fed Canterbury braided rivers

Topic: Birds

Nick Ledgard BRaid Case studies of ‘ideal’ habitat enhancement
Ellery Mayence DOC Incorporating food web research into a braided river adaptive management project: overview of the next five years on the Waiau Toa/Clarence River
Colin O’Donnell DOC

Distribution and long term population trends of banded dotterels on braided rivers in New Zealand

 Dan Burgin WMIL

Threats faced by shorebirds along flyways and wintering grounds

Ann-Kathryn Schlesselmann Landcare Research Tōrea /South Island pied oystercatcher on the move
Jean Jack ECan River bird surveys and gravel extraction under the RMA

Topic: Pests, predators, futures, and forum

Andy Spanton

Selwyn District Council

Rakaia Catchment Habitat Environmental Enhancement Society restoration projects

Ini-Isabée Gunn &     Lauren Smith

LINZ Expanding weed and pest control operations in Rakaia River – What next?
Brent Barrett Boffa Miskell The commercialisation horizon of new pest tracking and control technology
Sonny Whitelaw BRaid Climate change and biodiversity project
All speakers   Q&A forum


6 places remaining (as of 1.30 pm Monday 13 July)

Programme: when you submit your booking, a webpage where you can download the 24-page programme will open.

If you wish to book on behalf of someone else, you will need to book them separately.

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Would you like your email contact shared with other participants? It will only be sent to those who have ticked this option, so that you can network.

Top image: Rangitata River (Google Earth) + banded dotterels (Ailsa Howard)

Ashley Rakahuri River May-June 2021

Left: 4pm 29 May | 4 cumecs. Right: 4pm 30 May | 966 cumecs

(CLICK HERE for larger images) Right 4pm 3 June | 100 cumecs

Photos: Nick Legdard

seminar template