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Membership entitles to join any and all activities including bird surveys, attend and present at meetings, and receive our newsletters (we send them around 8 times a year; opt into the newsletter here).

Recently introduced reporting standards for the Charities Commission require that we hold members’ address and phone numbers on file. We do not keep your information on the Internet, never use it for any purpose, and do not share it with anyone.

All  information is sent via our newsletter or if it’s time sensitive or topical, we post it on  Facebook.

Type of membership

  • Casual membership (free): does not entitle you to vote or hold office
  • Full membership: annual (tax-deductable) donation of $20, payable each year at the AGM, which is generally in in the third quarter of the year. You are entitled to hold office and vote.
  • Affiliate membership: if you belong to an organisation or company that pays your membership fee, eg DOC, ECan, a business or trust. Annual (tax-deductable) donation of $20, payable each year at the AGM, which is generally in the third quarter of the year. You are entitled to hold office and vote.
  • Full or Affiliate membership please $20 paid online to account number:  01 0877 0818466 00   *Please include your name in the reference line and email us so that we can send you a receipt. Donations to charities are tax-deductable.
  • BRaid is an Incorporated Society in 2010 (No: 2453663) with Charitable Status in 2013 (Registration Number CC50089).



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