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2024 braided rivers programme 1

This annual seminar is a place where everyone who shares an interest in these unique environments including businesses, conservation professionals, volunteers, students, and members of the public can share information, research, and practical actions to restore and protect these globally rare ecosystems.

While previous seminars have been free of charge, increasing costs means that to ensure we can continue to run these full-day events for everyone, we have introduced a modest charge of $40.00. The cost includes morning and afternoon teas and a light lunch. If you are a student or if other financial circumstances means that you would not be able to attend, please contact us as we may be able to assist.

Please note that bookings are essential. At this stage, the event will not be livestreamed.
Time Speakers Affiliation Title
8.45 am Nick Ledgard BRaid Introduction
9.00 am Gabrielle Huria Te Kura Taka Pini A year in the life of the Rakahuri
9.25 am Wendy Fox Lincoln University Local movements of colony-based karoro/Southern black-backed gull
9.50 am Biz BellSamantha Ray     WMIL Understanding the impacts of kāhu (Circus approximans), an aerial predator, on tarapirohe/black fronted terns (Chlidonias albostriatus) and other braided river bird species
10.15 am Jaz Morris Boffa Miskell Know your enemy: catchment-scale riverbed weed surveys to identify risks and prioritise actions
10.40 am Morning tea
11.10 am Rachel Hufton &
Anthony Coote
Aspiring Biodiversity Trust Makarora Braided River: spatial and temporal biodiversity distributions and interactions
11.35 am Emma Wiliams DOC Shorebirds – Connecting places and people to maximise New Zealand’s national conservation efforts.
Midday Helen Greenep ECan Developing a braided river monitoring programme to measure extent and condition
12.25 pm Warwick Allen Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research Impacts of Cyclone Gabrielle on Hawke’s Bay braided river habitat and wading birds
1.00 pm Lunch
2.00 pm Nick Ledgard ARRG Monthly bird surveys on Ashley-Rakahuri river, 2013-2023
2.25 pm Holly Harris University of Canterbury Embracing river variability: Conservation at a landscape scale
2.50 pm Tara Murray  DOC Land-based invertebrate monitoring on Canterbury braided rivers
3.15 pm Grant Davey ARRG Stories from a braided river
3.40 pm Afternoon tea
4.10 pm Forum; open discussion

5.10 pm Close
The lecture theatre will be open until 5.30pm if discussions continue.
lincoln map