Lower Waitaki River
The geographical area of the lower Waitaki River begins below the Waitaki dam, where the lowland section of the river starts to braid. The video above shows how badly the river is affected by introduced weed species including willow and gorse. Some islands have been cleared of weeds as part of a (now completed) research project to create suitable habitats for braided river birds, primarily black-fronted terns.
Primarily fed by the the Upper Waitaki, an additional 2% of water flow comes from the Hakataramea River, Elephant Hill and Waikakahi Streams, Awakino River, Otekaieke River, Maerewhenua River, Welcome Creek/Whakapapa Ariki, and Wainono lagoon and its tributaries including the Waihao and Hook Rivers and the Makikihi and Otaio Rivers.

Biodiversity & cultural significance
Extract from the Lower Waitaki Zone Implementation Programme (page 8): ‘Small rivers and streams (including the Hakataramea River, Elephant Hill and Waikakahi Streams, Awakino River, Otekaieke River, Maerewhenua River, and Welcome Creek/Whakapapa Ariki) flow into the main stream. Collectively these tributaries, which have peak flows in winter, provide two percent of the river flow…
The Lower Waitaki River is noted for its indigenous fisheries, including tuna (eel), inaka kōkopu and kōaro (whitebait), kanakana (lamprey) and waikōura (freshwater crayfish), with aua (yellow-eyed mullet) and mohoao (black flounder) being found at the mouth…
Native fish found in the catchment include long-finned and short-finned eels, kanakana/lamprey, kōaro, common river galaxias, common bully and upland bully. The Hakataramea valley provides important habitat for New Zealand’s most threatened and rarest fish, the Lowland longjaw galaxias (Galaxias cobitinis). This galaxis is currently only known from two locations in the Hakataramea Valley.’
Important Bird Areas on the Waitaki River – 7-page PDF file that includes maps, habitat types, and threats relevant to this river. This document was extracted from Forest & Bird’s 177-page 20Mb file on all rivers, lakes, and coastal areas.

Conservation activities
As can be seen in the (filmed July 2017 ) and photo (Google Earth) in spite of its significance, large stretches of the lower Waitaki are covered in willow, gorse, and other invasive weeds. This is due in part to the relatively low river flow, a consequence of damming the upper reaches for hydro-electicity production and water abstraction for irrigation. Floods that would normally be able to remove small weeds no longer occur, and woody weeds have now become so entrenched that the character of the river has vastly changed.
A key conservation project was to try removing weeds from islands in the river just below the town of Kurow, in order to provide suitable nesting sights for critically endangered black-fronted terns. The cleared islands are visible in the video. The project, which formed part of a now completed PhD thesis, is outlined below:
- 2020: Five year report: Lower Waitaki River island enhancement project for black-fronted tern 2015-2020
- 2019: DOC update on the project (PDF)
- 2018 : Schelsselmann et al: Clearing islands as refugia for black fronted tern (NZ Journal of Ecology)
- 2017: ECan ‘Snapshot’ of funding and work being undertaken
- 2017: DOC fact sheet explaining the project
- 2016: Schlesselmann: project outline
Lower down the river towards the coast, work is also being undertaken by the Lower Waitaki River Management Society to improve mud fish habitats.
Water flow
- River Report 24-hour Infoline: river flows (updated twice daily), rainfall, sign up for text alerts
- Catchment map and monitored sites include scientific indicators for water quality (LAWA: Upper and Lower Waitaki Catchment)

References & research material
- 2019: DOC update on island formation (PDF)
- 2018 : Schelsselmann et al: Clearing islands as refugia for black fronted tern (NZ Journal of Ecology)
- 2018: Schelsselmann: Linking science and management for effective long-term conservation: A case study of black-fronted terns/tarapirohe (Chlidonias albostriatus) (PhD thesis)
- 2009: Lower Waitaki River Management Strategy
- DOC catalogue of scientific publications: enter the relevant search terms in the ‘search’ dialogue box. You may need to vary your search, for example ‘black stilt’ gives far more results than ‘kaki’ or ‘kakī’
- ECan document library: enter \’Waitaki\’ in the \’keywords\’ search field at the top of this page
- See Rivers for a more comprehesive list of braided rivers research and reference material