Newsletter #73 braided rivers seminar presentations
Tēnā koutou,
A short note to let you know that the presentations from the Wednesday 06 braided rivers seminar are online. The above photo is from the Waimakariri Field trip on Thursday 07, where some keen discussions took place. Lots going on in this space.
Thanks to the many people who helped make this year’s seminar happen. That includes Zip Ploeg, who recorded the presentations, which means that every session is now available as a video and a PDF, and in some instances, additional material relevant to the presentation.
Community tools
To those of you who stayed behind for the post-afternoon tea discussions, which were not recorded, this is the link for Community eDNA sampling of freshwater.
2022: Williams & Krause; Breeding movements of black-fronted terns/tarapirohe (Chlidonias albostriatus) caught on the Waiau Toa/Clarence River during the 2021 breeding season (report)(The use of solar-powered tags to track their movements around the Mackenzie basin was also presented at the 2022 Seminar).
Ngā mihi,
Sonny Whitelaw