Newsletter #88
Tēnā koutou,
We have now completed the draft programme and booking from for the 2024 braided rivers seminar. While previous seminars have been free of charge, increasing costs means that to ensure we can continue to run these full-day events for everyone, we have introduced a modest charge of $40.00. The cost includes morning and afternoon teas and a light lunch. If you are a student or if other financial circumstances means that you would not be able to attend, please contact us as we may be able to assist.
Once again, I look forward to seeing you all there.
- How a ‘rogue’ chunk of DNA scrambled the bird family tree: Science News
- Regional council loses landmark legal challenge to mega-irrigation scheme: The Post
- Meet the Ashley Rakahuri’s latest nemesis against rats. And she’s gorgeous!
- Science advisory group seeking submissions (Phase 1 closes Friday 7 May)
- Elevated levels of nitrate contamination found in Canterbury drinking water: Greenpeace test results
Research & Reports
- 2024: Martins et al; Significant shifts in latitudinal optima of North American birds, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (They’ve moved on average 82.5km north to cooler climates over the past 55 years; would be interesting to see this study replicated in Aotearoa).
- The Coleridge Habitat Enhancement Trust (CHET) has just sent an update on their recent activities including a great map illustrating the extent of their trapping programme, and the Rakaia River Black Back Gull Control Project (Summary)

Trapping map Rakaia River
BRaid is an Incorporated Society (No: 2453663) with Charitable Status (Registration Number CC50089). Membership is free but donations are much appreciated. Donations can be made to BRaid Inc. Account number: 01 0877 0818466 00. Please include your name in the reference line and ideally email us, so that we can thank you and send you a receipt. Donations are tax deductible citing our NZ Business Number 9429043210572.