Newsletter #54
Tēnā koutou,
Thank you to everyone who attended the Braided Rivers Symposium Wednesday 08 July . Links to the presentations arr also below.
A special thank you to all of our speakers, and also our sponsors for this event: LINZ, ECan, and the ever-amazing Karikaas Cheese who supplied us with a generous quantity of \’braided river bird\’ boxed cheeses for speakers plus a wonderful selection of samples for morning and afternoon tea.
The next BRaid meeting will NOT be our AGM as previously advertised, due to a Covid-19 delay in the annual accounts being audited. Instead, we will hold an ordinary meeting, 2pm Thursday 13 August at the DOC offices, Nga Mahi Road, Sockburn.
This is traditionally a quiet time of year, so there isn\’t much other news out there that\’s not political, and I\’m sure you\’re all getting enough of that. If you have any news, please send it to me so that I can share it; if it\’s time sensitive, I\’ll Facebook it.
Ngā mihi,
Sonny Whitelaw
Braided Rivers Symposium presentations:
- Latest video from Te Manahuna Aoraki about the research work on robust grasshoppers
- Kaki have drawn the attention of the World Economic Forum
- From Predator Free NZ: the amazing \’Stone weta\’
Bird Research:
- Global warming shrinks bird breeding windows, potentially threatening species (Science magazine)
AI model developed to identify individual birds without tagging (The Guardian newspaper)
- Did you know that the Zoology Department at Otaga University has a \’\’Bird Research\’ section?
This four-winged dino may have molted like modern songbirds (Science magazine)